Saturday, April 28, 2007

BMW F1 Nurburgring Nordschleife - Nick Heidfeld (28-4-2007)

BMW F1 driver Nick Heidfeld made 3 demonstration laps on the old Nurburgring circuit in Germany.
The 23 kilometer variant was used: Nordschleife + GP Strecke: Mercedesarena/kurtzambindung (not the full GP track).

The fastest laptime was 8 minutes and 12 seconds (timed it with stopwatch), but note that this CANNOT be compared to the old records of Lauda and Bellof, the track is now a different length (1976: 22km, 1983: 20km).
Also did Heidfeld a few short stops on the track, for fotoshooting.
The car was modified with short gears, allowing only a topspeed of 275 km/h.
It also used Brigestone Demonstration tires, these "have no grip", according to Heidfeld (10 seconds slower on a 5km circuit than regular F1 tires).


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